"Making Machines Work Harder" 636-447-3439

Armed with 90 years of collective experience with sales, service and support of capital woodworking equipment. Mid America Woodworking Machinery, Inc. is proud to offer service to our clients. Machines fail, and we offer a full complement of technical capability to support the machines we have sold and machines on occasion we have not. Please contact us if you would require a list of clients with whom we are currently servicing for a reference of the caliber, promptness and professionalism MAWM, Inc. can provide to your next machine failure.
Preventative Maintenance Program (PMP)
Our maintenance services offered include but are not limited to ;
General Repair
Preventative Maintenance Services
If your organization does not have organizational level maintenance or, if it does, but you occasionally need a higher level of assistance, allow us to perform one of our tune-up’s ensuring your equipment is maintained to the highest state of operational readiness. If there is nothing wrong with your machine, and you want to keep it that way, consider our machine “tune-up”. Our comprehensive and detailed Preventive Maintenance Program encompasses over 30 + specific focus areas of which we will audit of your machine. For most machines it takes about one day. You will receive a printout of the condition of your machine. We will calibrate your origins, tool changers, routers and boring blocks to the highest degree of accuracy attainable. Contact us for more information. A detailed report will be provided highlighting the areas required for repair and replacement in order to bring your machine and process to a level of par. We will then provide constant attention to adhere to this level.